Saturday, August 15, 2009

Normal or Crazy?

My final conclusion this week is that our normal IS crazy! The first few days I walked around in my jet lagged stupor saying, "I just can't wait until I feel normal again." And then I waited.

This week we have had a revolving door of friends over, we've rushed to and fro, we've been to the Y nearly every day and we've even been to the pool several times. Every time I turn around we're piling into the car for something and if we're not headed out, someone is headed over.

Some "experts" may say you should lay low the first few weeks you bring home a newly adopted child. I say, phooey on that. We've been crazy this week and you know what? I feel incredibly NORMAL. And even crazier? Quinn fits right in. My kids (and by kids I mean Olivia, the only one who can talk) have been known to start the day by saying, "Where are we going today, Mom?" And Quinn came to me several mornings this week holding his shoes as if to say the same thing. Ahhhh... normal.
We had the great pleasure of hosting our friends Ross and Cindy for lunch this week. They are in town from New York City. The 4 of us go way back. Quinn also owes a bit of gratitude to them as well. Cindy and her girls were very helpful during the paper chase of the adoption and ran to and from the Chinese Consulate in NYC several times and saved us a wad of money and time. Quinn took to them right away.
Our good friends, the Hardys, also stopped by with dinner one night. Ava and O are great friends and I think O has been starved a bit for play time with her friends. She particularly enjoyed bossing Ava around some. Its a good partnership because I don't think Ava minded a bit! Quinn seemed as if he's been here from day one and fits right in. Its been a real blast this week and I really do feel "normal" again. We don't do chaos well around here, but we do do run yourself all around town well. Yay for American ADHA lifestyles. Welcome to your new home, Quinn, where we do crazy well!


The Hardy's said... glad to be a part of your normal...or crazy:)

Colleen said...

Quinn looks soooo happy and so at home and I say you are very wise to be showing him right away what his new life is. He is so young, he can adapt well. And why would he complain or be upset? He's having all kinds of FUN!

Unknown said...

It was my pleasure to go to the Chinese consulate for Quinn and we are the blessed ones to have the Koproski's as friends.