We did have trouble convincing BOTH Quinn and Turner that the goats were NOT doggies. But I suppose when you're not even two, your world only contains 4 legged annoying animals with floppy ears that you call doggies. We'll work on that.
Please note the lovely Easter dress and sparkly shoes Olivia insisted on wearing to dodge animal poop with. Hey, some fights just are NOT worth waging these days. All poop can be wiped off-- that's my motto these days.
Next up on the system overload for a kid fresh off the boat was a "train" ride. Crazy enough, he didn't cry until the return trip when he saw us.
Don't let the big grin for the camera fool you, the only one who cried the whole ride was our big girl. "It was too bouncy and I was afraid I was going to fall out." Yeah, just like all the other kids that were bouncing all over the farm from their ride on the barrel train.
And although our trip to the farm looks like a load of laughs it was not without the various ear flicks, time outs and repeated yelling of names across a dairy farm. By the time we pulled the van into the garage family fun day was OVER. It was operation bath/bed time. Ahhhh... hauling 3 kids around, 3 and under, taints the evening ride to the dairy farm... just a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm soaking it up and trying to enjoy it. I just wonder if there is a way to do it an octave or two lower?
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