I didn't always watch the Idol. I hear it is season 8. But I promise, before kids came along, I had a life that did not afford me time to sit home Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday night. But since Olivia was born (that winter finding myself with a baby tied to my bosom every few hours, post-pardum knocking at my door and no desire to go anywhere the first few months) Idol became a great alternative. And I've been hooked ever since.
I can't wait to find out who my new "friends" will be. And in case you think I exaggerate, sadly, I tune in weekly to find out what my friends will be wearing, what stupid thing the stylists have done to their hair, and dial like a maniac to bring my best "friends" back each week (threatening to boycott should one get voted off, but lets get real... I'm in this thing for the long haul.)
In fact Steve has had it REAL easy the past 2 birthdays... tickets to the Idol Concert. 2 years ago I nearly wet myself when Blake took stage (Steve went to get a snack at that point) and last year my friend Amy and I screamed like school girls as David Cook rocked it out-- l*o*v*e him!
I'm totally against a 4th judge (hopefully Idol is not jumping the shark on this one) but that is more due to my inflexibility than anything. So, I'm not sure what you're doing tonight, tomorrow night or most week nights until June, but you'll find me on my sofa; phone in hand. I'll take your call during commercials.
everything you wrote were the exact same things i said to aunt sherry earlier on phone. I HATE MY LIFE. I HATE AMERICAN IDOL. I HATE THE NEW JUDGE. I HATE TUESDAY, WEDENSDAY and the occasional THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!
cracking up. i guess i need to get my kids to bed earlier so i can watch! i haven't watched since...season...uh...Carrie Underwood maybe? But I used to really like it!!
you are SO funny. im glad you wrote about this cause i was wondering when idol came on - we're at my inlaws house for the month - and tv is the evening entertainment - so glad that we can watch it :)
From now on I will think of you (and your Mom) every time I watch AI. I have wathed the past three seasons, though I don't like the auditions. I record it and FF through a lot of that. Gimme the top 20 and let's get this party started! Once it gets going, I like it a lot, though instead of gabbing about who we thought was best/worst,etc, Ken and I have entire dialogues where we talk like....Randy--you know, Dawg, I'm just not feelin' it....you were a little PITCHY in parts (I so agree with you on that, half the time I think they sounded great)....or Paula--You look beautiful tonight, you should be proud of yourself, I'm gonna have to agree with Randy on this one....or Simon--Honestly? This was the most wretched/awful/horrendous performance of the night (or some other British fancy insult).
SO yes, I like to make fun of it, but in the end I do cast my vote--Go David Cook!! Do me a favor, do a blog post the day before the first night that has the top 20! That way I can start watching!
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