Monday, April 12, 2010

Come party with me

Hey there friends, it's time to party.

I participated in the Ultimate Blog Party last year and had a blast visiting a ton of new blogs. I hope you'll join me. Just click on the button to the left of my blog and then start wasting time, I mean, making new bloggy friends.

If you've found me via the blog party, welcome. My name is Elizabeth and EEK are my initials and when I started blogging nearly 2 years ago I couldn't believe I was entering this world. Now, I'm totally addicted.

I am a wife to Steve, 7 years in May. We grew up in the same town in Ohio but met 1/2 way around the world in China when we were in our late 20's.
I am a stay at home mom to three kids. Olivia, 4, Quinn (adopted from China 8 months ago) 2 1/2, and Turner, 2 1/4. Yep, my 2 boys are 3 months apart- twins seperated at birth- by an ocean. Things got A LOT louder around here in August.

My blog is a way for me to stay sane. It helps me to find the humor during some stressful days. It reminds me to be thankful. It's a journal and a scrapbook that I don't keep otherwise.

I hope you'll read, laugh and snoop around. You are welcome anytime.


Carrie said...

Hi, Elizabeth! It's great to meet you! I also have an adopted child from China! ;)

Enjoy the party!

Anonymous said...

stopping in from ubp! what a beautiful family you have :)

CrystalsCozyKitchen said...

I started my blog to stay sane as well! Stopping by from the UBP!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from UBP! I love the tiwns separated by the ocean! What a great family!

Yankee Wife said...

i enjoyed your blog! Hope you have a great UBP week!

Aislinn said...

I snooped, and then I laughed. My kids need haircuts too!! Stopped by via the UBP. I am new to this and am having fun snooping around.

Unknown said...

Stopping in from UBP! You have a wonderful blog, thank you for stopping my mine. I look forward to reading more about you and your family. It is always nice to meet other moms that waited till their 30's to start a family. Sometimes I feel like the oldest mom at mom events.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I came, I snooped, I like :) I'm adding you to my reader.
Thanks for stopping by my blog !!

Janene said...

Nice to have you at the UBP10 party. Stop by if you get a chance And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at and Prepare To Be Pampered.

Melodramommy said...

Hi, Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you too and looking forward to staying in touch. What a beautiful family you have. And I know what you mean about blogging being addicting!