Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Retro Quinn

I was goofing around on the computer just now and I unearthed some pictures that I never posted from our trip to China this summer.
I have to laugh at how totally silly Quinn looks with that buzz cut. Oh my!
I know that Steve will disagree, but I'd say that those $12.50 "luxury" haircuts have been worth it for the boy!
It was really fun/ startling to look back and see how happy Quinn was right from the get go (minus Gotcha Day.) What a blessing.
That little smile will melt a heart, I tell 'ya. And in one short week from today, that smile is going to get even better. Gulp. Next week at this time *hopefully* Quinn will be coming out of his surgery with a new and improved smile.
It seems like a million years ago that we were here... in Guangzhou, China. A million miles from the other 2 kids and a million miles from home.
Tomorrow marks 12 weeks home. Time flies when you're doing life.

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