Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The long awaited, much anticipated

hair post.

It's a bit humid here today (always an excuse) and I find that my hair isn't laying quite as nicely as I'd like (just ask my husband, I made him take about 20 shots to get these that I could live with.)

Oh for the love of Pete, when did my chin get so pointy? Its always something, isn't it?

Anyhow, I was laying in bed a few nights ago, unable to sleep. (Not an uncommon thing for me.) This time it was more due to a good kind of anxiety over our trip. What to pack, what to leave behind, you know, stuff like that. And I had a brilliant thought.

With the unfortunate break up of my beloved John and Kate (of John and Kate Plus 8) I've decided Steve and I could have our own reality tv show. And as of August 3rd we could have a sweet name for it, "Steve and E Plus 3." Okay, so it lacks a bit of creativity but stick with me on this one.

An up close and personal look at our lives. My CVSing (like Kate, I also enjoy free stuff and perks- like my new stylist who put me on her friends and family list where I can get dos like this for almost Nil.) I can snap at Steve like the best of 'em. Although I have read the book "Love and Respect" and think I have found where the Gosselin marriage *may have* gone awry. I'm working on my snaps. We go on fun family outings that I'm sure would make for great episodes. Remember that zoo membership we never used?!
I also could use a tummy tuck. I didn't have 6 kids swimming around in there at one time, but I have been experiencing FunnelQuest '09 which definitely lends itself to tuck tuck here and a tuck tuck there.

Oh, and did I mention my hair? I'm pretty sure it's going to make me a national icon soon.

Yeah, I guess you're right, Steve and E plus 3 would be boring as crap. But who would have thought the Duggars would be such a hit? Perhaps I should fore go the next haircut (or 20) and find a denim jumper instead. I guess keeping this blog is the next best thing. If TLC calls while I'm away, tell them I'll be back soon.

1 comment:

KTC said...

Love, Love, Love the hair!!! So sophisticated. And you're looking so "slender" as my mom would say. Great look!
love you,