So yesterday we were on a Target run and I had to get a *few* things. As we were walking down the aisle that dead ends into the $5 kid DVD end cap Olivia declared officially what I have only thought in my head for years, "I want to live here!" Yes, wouldn't that be fantastic? Live in Target and make short weekly appearances at my home instead of vice versa? Oh the glory of it. Everything you need in on small yet appealing space. And when you get tired of eating "off the shelf" you can have the guy in the red Target baseball cap grab you a hot dog off the rotating wheel (because who wouldn't want to satisfy their hunger by a day old dog that's been spinning it's guts out?)
But I digress. Because Turner is getting so big and NEEDING to start brushing his teeth (please don't report me. I promise I had O brushing by herself at 11 months. I'm just a little behind with number 2.) I was on a mission to get him a tooth brush. I decided to splurge and get him a Cookie Monster tooth brush that was neither on sale nor had a coupon (couponers please don't judge me... sometimes a girl's just gotta spend a little extra). I hope this kid values his teeth more than a college education, 'cuz now I'm just throwing money away!
I even let Olivia have a similar splurge and leave it to my diva to pick an expensive Barbie tooth brush. But hey, it got her to brush 3 times yesterday.
Turner was pretty jazzed about the new tooth brush and carried it through the whole store, in the car and into the house. We all marched upstairs to try out the new treasures, upon O's orders. I opened up the two brushes. O got ready to do the drill and Turner grabbed his and ran for it. Before I could catch up with him, he beat me to the toilet and need I say more? Cookie Monster went for a swim.
I fished $3 from the toilet and put in straight in the garbage much to a sobbing Turner's dismay. When I got home and told Steve the story he couldn't believe I just threw it away. "Couldn't you have just bleached it or something?" I may be turning into a tight-wad but there is something about giving your kid a tooth brush that's been in the toilet that is just wrong! The moral of the story... always keep the lid down.
I have to admit, that I had a similar thought as Steve, except I was thinking of boiling the new toothbrush. :)
oh my word. Hilarious! I'm so cheap I might have cried!
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