Monday, April 25, 2011

Never a dull moment

Steve and I rolled into the chemo room and ran into a little snag this morning. My nurse, Gretchen, who is the cutest little thing, told me I needed to have some labs drawn to make sure my white blood cell count was back up since it was down last week. Um... hello, news to me. She said it like I already knew this (apparently someone was suppose to call me on that one.) But I am SO THANKFUL that no one did. Had I known, I would have spent the weekend worrying, avoiding crowds and worrying some more. All for something that is out of my control.

They drew my blood and we were delayed about 45 minutes until we found out that my numbers were back up and we were a go. Several things about that situation...

First, I didn't freak out. No panic attacks. No what ifs. I actually rolled with the punches. That folks, is Growth, with a capital G! I am thankful. I even sat there and read a book.

Second, I've never been so thankful to get chemo. What? Yep, when there is a threat of delay, all you want is chemo. Hello, weirdo.

One funny chemo room story (you didn't know they existed, did you?) There is an older couple who happen to be there pretty much every day we are there. Because today's chemo goes into my chest port AND I get Benedryl (which now makes me sleepy since I've stopped fighting it) tends to be a bit less of a *walking * day. Tomorrow... I walk... today I relaxed. Well, the sweet husband pulled Gretchen aside and asked her, "Isn't that the lady who walks?" Gretchen said yes and he asked, "Is she alright? She's not walking today." She laughed and told him today is a Benedryl day. That's pretty much all you need to say to someone around there and they get it! (As his wife was snoring away.) I knew it was a matter of time before I became known as *the lady who walks.* I guess I'd rather be known for that than as the lady who snores!

Tomorrow is an abdominal day, so please pray for a thankful heart and endurance. God's using it to blast the cancer so there is LOTS to be thankful for. It's also the yucky drug day, so if you don't hear from me for a few days, trust me, I'll be back. I just may need to get past the chemo funk. Thanks for praying.


Marilyn said...

Dear all,

So fun to see the pictures from Easter Week-end and the concert. It all looked like great fun!!! Grateful too, that your 1st chemo day went well. I'll be praying for you and yours the rest of the week!

saras said...

So glad you had a good weekend! I found your blog not too long ago, right around the time you received your diagnosis. I've been following you on your journey. You'll continue to be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Of the time.

Another way to look at C-H-E-M-O!

Praying for a God filled day!

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

So when I hear about you walking all I can think of is the Veggies Tales "Josh and the Big Wall." I hear the little peas singing "keep walking, but you won't knock down our wall!" You are walking and praying, we are praying and we are seeing the walls of cancer get knocked down!

SJ said...

Continually praying for you! May Jesus continue to strengthen you! You will get through this! There are so many people praying for you! Stay strong! =)

Anonymous said...

I am so encouraged to see what God is doing in and through you. Thank you for being so open with us all. I am praying for you, my friend.

The Wellmans said... exciting to hear how the Lord is working in your heart! Praise Him for His healing in you.
Continuing to pray!

jenny from mommin' it up said...

I am so proud of you for rolling with the punches and letting God handle the outcome. Been praying for you this week, I've just now had time to get over here and comment! LOVE this post. Keep walkin' baby!