Its been fun this week, with the snow and all. Olivia had her first snow day yesterday, quickly followed by her second one today. I didn't know how I would feel about a snow day, interrupting my routine and all. But you know what, I like it. I like it a lot.
We took the opportunity to do some fun things together, and braved the weather. You see, I've grown up in the snow. I'm not letting a little thing like a severe winter storm keep me down. No way. If you drive carefully and slowly enough, you can get anywhere your little heart desires!
Not long after this picture of Quinn was taken, I decided it was time to get the kids in for a haircut! Holy cow, look at the helmet on that kid. Geesh! So, we took advantage of the bad weather and drove 25 minutes to get haircuts. I really AM not normal, am I? By the way, thanks to the 3 of you who chimed in to try and convince me I'm within the realm of reasonable. I'll assume the jury is still out on the rest of you!
Here is us at a nu.tri.cious lunch at Target (note the new and improved Quinn!)
And does that half eaten hot dog want to make you gag or what? I took a bite and was instantly parched. Presumably because of all the nitrates and sodium. Don't get me wrong, I love a good nitrate with the rest of 'em (hey a girl who doesn't get all grossed by hotel bedspreads should also love nitrates, right?) but the hot dog that twirls around for hours on end and has more salt than the dead sea might actually find my yuck limit.
We hit a new low while at Target as I had enough and gave Turner a time out right there on the floor in the middle of the *cafe*. (Isn't it funny that they call it a cafe? Maybe to help you forget you're really just eating a spinning hot dog?)
Then we proceeded to leave a trail of pop corn throughout the store before I realized that Turner had dumped his popcorn bag upside down. Um... clean up in aisle 17!
Yeah, patience was a hot commodity by the time we rolled out of there.
Tonight is operation divide and conquer as Steve and I try to figure out how to put the finishing touches on a 4 year birthday, because the rest of the week is nutso. And FORGET about the fact that Valentine's Day is Sunday. HA! I think in about 16 years we'll circle the wagons and get back on that one. Until then, if you see a trail of popcorn; follow it and you just might find a Turner in time out.
1 comment:
I'd love to hang out in Target with you! we love the "cafe." :)
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