Monday, June 16, 2014

On to something

 My kids are miraculously outside playing in the wading pool.  Together.  Without fighting.  I'm inside.  Doing my own thing.  It's glorious.

This is the way summer is suppose to be.  (Did I totally just jinx myself, or what?)  We might just be on to something.

Steve and I have decided to keep our school year tv/electronic game schedule for the summer.  During the school year, the kids are not allowed to watch tv or play games on the I Pad during the week.  I know, I'm the meanest mom ever.  It's just that by the time they get home from school, do their homework and go to gymnastics/martial arts, there simply isn't time.  And if I let them for a little bit the fight to turn stuff off is off the charts.  So, at 4pm on Fridays and in the mornings Saturday and Sunday they can watch cartoons.  Two hours of games each weekend day and the rest, figure it out for themselves.

I'm sure this is more than some parents allow but this is the plan that seems to work around here.  I've decided to keep the same routine.  It's been great.  No fights during the week of who is going to watch/play what and when.  I HATE that fight.  That fight drives me bananas.  Instead, they fight about other stuff.  But at least it's not THAT fight.

We are about to head to Boston for three weeks.  The drive will be long.  Lots of movie hours stored up. That will be awesome. 

Speaking of Boston, I should be cleaning, packing and generally freaking out.  But I'm not.  (I'm saving that for Thursday.)  Instead, I'm downloading music to I Tunes, blogging and enjoying the fact that my kids are outside enjoying each other. 
This is from the files of "totally random stuff"... Look at this picture that my friend texted me the other day.

"When did Turner become a child model?"  and attached was this picture.  WHAT?  It 100% looks like Turner.  It is 100% NOT Turner.  How weird is that?  In fact, I even showed him the picture and said, "Hey, who is that?"  And he says, "Me?"  Crazy!

Now, its time to go start getting my Boston freak out on!

Friday, June 13, 2014


I have some very special friends.  It's important to have special friends no matter what, but especially when you are an only child.  I've been a little nostalgic these past few weeks.  May/June seem to be reflective for me as another school year ends, but also for other reasons.

Wednesday was the 4 year anniversary of my mom's death.  I can't believe its been 4 years.  These girls got me through a really rough stretch.  They were all at my mom's *celebration*.  They were so patient and loving the days that followed as I would randomly break down sobbing.  They were my family.  I don't know what I would have done without them.

These girls were there the day I found out I had cancer.  They hugged me, cried with/for me, cooked dinner, cleaned my house, took care of my kids, sat with me when all I could do was sit on the couch.  They told me I was beautiful when I was bald.  It was a rough stretch. They celebrated my cancer-free diagnosis (3YEARS AGO, PS.  YIPPEE) as if it were their own good news.  I don't know what I would have done without them.

These girls got me through my dad's death.  Just when they thought maybe they were going to have a non-needy friend back, I needed them again.  They never indicated they were tired of loving me, helping me, or serving me.  I don't know what I would have done without them.

I am able to be real and honest with these ladies.  They know my ugly.  They know I struggle with criticism and pessimism.  They know I struggle with fear.  They celebrate my strengths.  They laugh with me and shop with me.  They encourage me to be a better wife and mother.  They point me to Jesus.  They forgive me and give me grace.  I don't know what I would do without them.

Another pause for reflection came two weeks ago as our gang of four sat down for our last supper.  Our friend, Susie, and her family are moving to Rwanda.  Not across town or even to Iowa.  Rwanda. 

It's a heart breaker, to say the least.  Our kids have grown up together.  As in, from birth/adoption homecomings.  It is hard to imagine my life and our families' lives transitioning.  Doing life, real life, means ups and downs.  It's honest talks, seeking and giving forgiveness.  It's facing baldness and pregnancy and birthday piñatas and store bought birthday cakes when you want to make a wild creative creation. 

It's saying good bye to friends who know you like family... and saying good bye.  It's watching the band break up.  Love is the ugly snot cry when you get in your car after hugging your friend good-bye and not knowing when the next hug will be.

I don't know what I'll do without her.

I DO know that the other two are not allowed to leave me.  EVER!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The monkeys are out

First day of school.  They were ready to go.  Two kindergarteners and a Second grader.

As I scrolled through the pics, I found this.  What in the world?  I have no idea how David Hastlehoff got into my pics.  But honestly, Quinn is the one who looks super-imposed.  If this doesn't make you laugh, you have a cold, cold heart.

And this?  Straight out of the 80's.  Everything about it!

Look at those two guys!  You just know they had a fight over who got to hold that sign. 
You know why I won't miss Kindergarten?  Because I never know if it is Kindergarten or Kindergarden.  Seriously.  That's why I loved "pre-K."
And here they are on their last day. 
We had another fight about the sign.  But this time it was where the green wipe off board has gone.  Who knows? 
Who cares?!
Olivia and her friend Lila.  It was a heart breaking day for Olivia as Lila moves on to 4th grade next year.
At the Montessori school, my kids stay in the same room with the same teacher and kids for 3 grade levels.  1-3rd years are together.  This dynamic duo will be broken up next year as Olivia stays in the room to tackle 3rd grade without her better half. 
Tears ensued.
Because Olivia will remain in her class (and because I think her teachers high-tailed it outta dodge before the dust settled upon the final bell), I didn't get a chance to take her picture with her amazing teachers, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Witt.  No worries... I'm planning ahead and am already sad for the end of next year! 
This double trouble will also get busted next year.  But that won't be the first time.  These two have been causing trouble for years.  Don't worry if you can't tell them apart.  Neither can I.  (Turner is on the right!)
Mrs. Shirley has been teaching a Koproski kid ever since we've been at the school.  She has invested well into our family!  There may be an extra crown in heaven awaiting her.  Just sayin'.
And our beloved principal is moving on next year. 
This time, I actually cried.  She is a tremendous leader, person and example for my children.  I may have asked her to stay if the parent group bought her a new car.  She just laughed, I was a little serious.
We have laughed and even cried together over the years.  I'm not sure what I'll do without my "twin." (Students have stopped her in the hall to say, "Hi Turner's mom.")

Mrs. Madden and Mrs. Josyula have loved this boy as if he were their own.  I can barely type words to express how much I love these two ladies.  Quinn has become confidant, independent, a reader and a leader under their watch.  He too moves up to a  new class level next year. 
The end of the school year is exciting and heartbreaking all at the same time. My heart says a huge thank you to all of the teachers who have invested into my kids' lives.  Seriously, you are some of the hardest working and finest women I know.