Keeping up with this blog was obviously not my new year's resolution. Or maybe it was and I decided way back in December it would be okay to start that resolution on the 20th. Details. Not my strong point.
The boys began martial arts a few weeks ago.
Obviously, they are already convinced they are ninjas.
And they might be.
Olivia and I have been having some amazing talks lately. She is a month away from being 8 years old. She is an amazing girl. I have a few stories to share with you but will save those for another day. I know every mama thinks their kids are special (or at least have special moments.) I most certainly think so about my three.
There were several days in which the un-bearable cold here in Ohio nearly sent me over the edge. We were frozen in and had an additional three days added on to our Christmas vacation. 19 days in all. Honestly, my special three became a touch less special at certain moments. Sometimes a family just needs a little less togetherness and a bit more structure and outside activity. Seriously, if I've ever needed to move away from a cold weather climate, this is it.
Even a short trip to Atlanta over New Year's met us with chilly, cloudy skies and rain. Lots and lots of rain.
Don't let me fool 'ya though. I was able to catch up on some vitamin D recently! I hopped on a plane a week ago and headed to sunny, warm (84 degree warm) Los Angeles, CA. Poor me. I had a work thing BY MYSELF for 4 nights. I missed the crazy (but not the cold.)
We have enjoyed a fun MLK day and now its off to gymnastics.
So here, on January 20, I resolve to try and kind of, perhaps, attempt to sort of keep on our family's goings on. Or not. Time will tell.
I love reading about your family. Thanks for sharing. - Michele Braceros
E!!! I've been missing you so much and came here to get a fix. You're in NYC this weekend. So close... I have seriously thought 5 times how I could get away to spend an hour with you. But with a nursing, teething 7 month old, it's just extremely difficult to get away. I love the stories you've shared in these two January posts. You are such an amazing mom! The story of Quinn's trial was so heartbreaking. I've yet to experience that kind of pain influencing your children and I can't imagine how hard it must be in that moment to not go and pummel that other kid! ****hugs*** Love you and miss you!
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