In spite of the fact that my new year's resolution went the way of 1/2 the ladies in my aerobics class (my "I'm going to turn over a new blogging leaf" lasted exactly 21 days) all is well with the Koproski family.
Seriously, since I last blogged, we have had so much life under our belts. Weddings, weekend trips, a spring break to Arizona, a daughter who has officially it double digits (but is still waiting for a party to commemorate the 10th birthday) and a variety of other exciting and not so exciting events.

We had a great time visiting my Aunt Sherry and Uncle Tom in Tucson, AZ. It was a trip full of adventure and laughs. My kids were so enthralled with all things desert. They loved the cactus, the wild life, the flowers and the weather. We hiked, walked, explored and saw a ton of sights. It was really fun to be with my family over Easter. I realized a few weeks before heading out there that I have not had a holiday with anyone from my side of the family since my dad died (it will be five years in September.) So it was a welcomed event to be sure.

We also saw Olivia complete another season of gymnastics. She and her teammates were the Level 4 Rec Champions this year. It has been a magical group of girls and parents. Things are about to change a bit this next season. Olivia is super excited as she and her teammates move from Rec level competition to USAG level competition. This summer will be a motivated summer as she needs a few more skills to move up to the particular level that she wants to compete at. Her coach and I see that she has what it takes, I hope that she can believe it about herself!

The school year is also winding down. It has been a busy and fun semester. I continue to volunteer and lead an effort to connect the American parents with the large population of immigrant parents. One fun surprise recently has been my friendship with Nisreen. She is a mom from Iraq and she is an amazing person. I have learned so much from her. She is smart, funny, stylish and has given up so much to make a better future for her kids. She has invited me to a celebration of Iraqi women next weekend and I can't wait to go and learn even more about her culture and meet her friends.
Today is a special day as well. Steve and I are celebrating 13 years of marriage.

These 13 years have been filled with a ton of adventures. They have been filled with tears, laughter and surprises. He is my partner in crime. Life is really so much more fun with Steve by my side, I don't know what I would do with out him. We weren't exactly kids as we stood at the alter 13 years ago. We each had a bit of life experience under our belts. We had two distinct lives coming together. In some ways that made it harder, but mostly it made our transition into marriage easier. We knew who we were. Adjustments for sure, but we didn't have to grow up together. We simply got to merge our lives and it's been a blast.
From loving our City together
To Raging the storms
Lots of travel
Adventures around the world
Plenty of Silly times
And plenty of Hard times
There is no one I'd rather do life with!!!
Happy May 3rd!!!